Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mantra for 2010 = Let's do something to help the good sustain!

I write a poem every new year eve. The one for 2010 exhorts us to focus on ourselves and focus on good. Let us not keep complaining about others and the world in general.

Here it goes....

What use is it to complain?
Forget the negatives....
Let's do something to help the good sustain!

Happiness, success and a better future is ours
If each one of us keeps improving 'I'
Let's not keep saying 'This is WHY......!

Focus is the mantra for 2010,
Put effort on the right ten.
Smart effort will get you a return of twenty..
Why waste energy on issues aplenty.

Magnifying weaknesses in others is the nature of the weak,
Strengths and goodness in others is what we must seek.

None will fail and forever we will sail...

Success however must bring humility,
Else, the joys will be short lived,
All the effort we put in will prove to be an exercise in futility.

What use is it to complain?
Forget the negatives....
Let's do something to help the good sustain!

Rajeev Karwal, 31st December 2009

Also read my previous attempts at poetry
2009- Nine will be Fine
2008- The Future Beckons
2007- It all begins with Us
2006- A Full Life

1 comment:

yogesh sarin said...

Excellent inspiring words to start the New Year
with no tear or fear
but right FOCUS on
work which is not just HARD
but rather very SMART !