Saturday, December 11, 2010

Someone may believe you are one in a million, For others you are just another nobody in a billion.

My friend Chandramohan from Mumbai sent me a very nice poem today...I am putting it on my blog for all my friends to enjoy....

I've seen castles made out of sand,
Met people who believe destiny is engraved on the palm of their hand,
I've seen people change their faith,
Experienced love change into hate,
I've seen people grow younger with age,
And a bird who wouldn't fly out of an open cage,
I've seen love sold for money,
People who are devastated inside but outside they are funny,
I've seen the Unicorn fall in love with the Toad,
People who owned half the city have now hit the road,
I've learned to expect the unexpected,
Perfection doesn't exist, we're all defected,
Everyone cries, some just hide their tears,
They say coal turns into diamond over a thousand years,
Someone may believe you are one in a million,
For others you are just another nobody in a billion.

So live life with all that you have, cherish all your moments Happy or Sad!! Feel blessed with what you are!! Because Life is tooo short & we are just here for a Moment!!


Giri Vasan Guinness said...

Good one sir. Convey my thanks to your friend Mr.Chandramohan.

Our beloved Chairman Shri KS Raju always says "Yesterday cannot be brought back, tomorrow is not sure and hence live the Present to the fullest".

As you said Life is too short to worry about things that hardly worry you.

Thanks!!! said...


Nice Post Great job.

Thanks for sharing.